Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tilley, you dink.

Dew Factor: 1.0
Moisture Factor: 8.0 (morning rain)

If anyone was surprised that Jay Tilley didn't show up when he said he would, well -- shame on you. In fact, shame on all 11 of you who believed Tilley to be most likely to show up in last week's poll.

The gauntlet had been thrown down in the preceeding blog: "Tilley, who has a long standing reputation as a dink only has one week to uphold that distinction."  To his credit, Tilley orchestrated an operation that clearly designated him as the dink to beat.

While everyone expected Tilley to prove his worthiness (or lack thereof) by showing up and throwing around the usual "Tillyisms" (e.g., "catch-it, drop-it, catch-it, drop-it" as the ball descended towards a receiver) he instead proved, once again, why he's the master: he simply left us hanging.

Tilley, you dink.

Hunter LaBossiere coming out party
Father and son connected on not two, but three touchdowns:  two passing and one on a Steve LaBossiere interception of a Hunter LaBossiere defended tip (see video below).

 LaBossiere tip to LaBassiere

Hunter Receives the Square Toe Award:

The tale of two huddles:


The Participants:
Missing: Hank Burns -- in transit to a play in Brunswick

Other Pics:
Toby Heath makes one of several catches during a triumphant return to the 'Wam
Ted Tibbetts delivers a rare pass from the pocket
Typical defensive huddle
This huddle breaks the new "Tallest-to-Shortest" rule
Five-person huddle, only two families
A sore Jay Burns (achilles tendon) prowls the defensive backfiel

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